ANA Shipyard is located on Elizabeth river and during additional construction work, it was found that the ground water was contaminated as a result of overlying soil contaminated with a mixture of oils and greases. Excavation of soil and replacement with clean dirt was not accepted to the VA DEQ since it would contaminate the river. It was considered that the cleanup should be done through bioremediation. AgroRemed was selected for the purpose and was sprayed over the impacted soil and monitored the wells for any free product. At the end of 4 months one of the monitoring wells showed free product in quantities that could now be pumped out using a vacuum truck. Presence of free product in such large volume indicated distinct mobilization of hydrocarbons and it was now possible to recover 139 gallons of product wheere there was almost none. Monitoring of the ground water was continued for more than one year and it did not show any contamination or free product. Final analysis of soil was done in April, 2008 and based on the results, VA DEQ has now issued No-Further-Action and the Pollution Complaint case is now closed.
The area below ASST was particularly treated with larger doses of AgroRemed and in addition to surface spray AgroRemed was also poured in the trenches prepared for the purpose.
Area of contamination of soil at the shipyard is shown in the foreground with the locations of monitoring wells. Area below the Above Ground Storage tank had a couple of incidents of minor fuel oil spills and was therefore considered as an area of interest.