After trials on stationary ship M/V Cape Wrath, studies on effect of BilgeRemed on oily bilge water in sea going ships was carried out on a ship operating from Port Kitimat, British Columbia. 5 gallons of BilgeRemed was added on a weekly basis to the oily bilge water holding tank after collecting a sample of oily bilge water for analysis. The results show that the Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) of the water was reduced from 19,000 ppm to 5.0 ppm in 3 weeks and the water discharged from the OWS was very clear and it met the International regulations. BilgeRemed was thus found to be an effective for pre-treatment of oily bilge water for sailing ships and berthed ships and can help in reducing the load on the ship board Oil Water Separators (OWS) and improving the discharge quality.