ANA Shipyard is located on Elizabeth river. During additional construction work at the site, it was found that the groundwater was contaminated with a mixture of oils and greases as a result of overlying contaminated soil. Excavation of soil and replacement with clean dirt was not accepted by the VA DEQ since it would contaminate the river. It was considered that the cleanup should be done through bioremediation. AgroRemed was selected for the purpose and was sprayed over the impacted soil and monitored the wells for any free product. At the end of 4 months, one of the monitoring wells showed the free product in quantities large enough to be pumped out using a vacuum truck. The presence of free product in such a large volume indicated the mobilization of hydrocarbons. 139 gallons of the free product were recovered where there was almost none. Monitoring of the groundwater was continued for more than one year and it did not show any oil contamination or free product. The final analysis of soil was done in April 2008 and based on the results, VA DEQ issued a No-Further-Action letter, and the Pollution Complaint case is now closed.
The pilot project was awarded by the Virginia DEQ to establish the effectiveness of AgroRemed in a short turnaround time for the cleanup of the soil as a basis before recommending the use of the product. The results were monitored on two days on the 10th day and the 20th day before closing the pilot. It is seen from the results that there was a reduction of more than 30% in the values of TPH after 10 days and at the end of 20 days there was a reduction in TPH of more than 90%. AgroRemed thus offered a long-term remediation solution for a site with an active pollution complaint since 1991. IMS recommended the utilization of AgroRemed as the primary means of remediation under a new corrective action plan at the site. This application should reduce the adsorbed phase of contamination at the site, and the current source of NAPL that routinely appeared in the onsite monitoring wells. Moreover, it is projected that this application will reduce the vapor phase concentrations present in the soils.
The toxicity of diesel spill was reduced facilitating healthy growth of grass and other vegetation at the site. TPH of the soil was reduced from 65,000 ppm to less than 1000 ppm by the on-site application. Restoration of vegetation and reduction of toxicity of spill using AgroRemed was achieved at a cost of less than $ 2,000.00.
Highway spills involving saddle tanks of trucks are fairly common and in such cases, almost 104 gallons of diesel are released in the environment. Although excavation is a preferred method, bioremediation using AgroRemed is considered another option in many situations like this one in West Virginia where the underlying cables were likely to be damaged. At the end of bioremediation, the values of TPH were reduced to less than 500 ppm and with minimum supervision and no waste for disposal.
The project initiated in 2005 was treated with AgroRemed resulted in the recovery of 140 gallons of free product mobilized through bacterial action and after a final application of AgroRemed in 2007 was closed by the VA DEQ based on the analysis report of 22nd April 2008.
Two case studies are presented in this paper, one study demonstrating revitalization of roadside vegetation through bioremediation after a spill of motor oil and in another case application of AgroRemed to sites affected by diesel spill with underlying utility cables. The TPH of the soil after bioremediation was reduced by more than 95% from 65,000 ppm in the first case while in the second case, the TPH was found to be below the detectable values from the initial value of 47,000 ppm. Both AgroRemed and VaporRemed are available in a ready to use liquid form and have been known to effectively bioremediate the contaminated soils and fumes in a very short period of time. AgroRemed helps restore the nutritive status of soil to facilitate the growth of vegetation with minimum disturbance to the ecosystem.
Bioremediation of soils impacted with gasoline range organics with the injection of AgroRemed. A Corrective Action Plan (CAP) was implemented, which was conducted in two phases. 1. Remediation of petroleum saturated soil with AgroRemed and 2. Monitoring and recovery of free product in the groundwater. In March 2012, AgroRemed was injected in the two sites showing values of TPH above the saturation point. At the next sampling event in June, the samples of soil from these two sites showed below detect values of TPH. The soil endpoint as per CAP was met in June 2012 after a single application of AgroRemed. However, the monitoring and recovery of free product trapped in the vadose zone was continued. The three quarterly sampling events of groundwater did not show any free product water and VA DEQ was requested to issue a closure of the CAP in August 2014.
At a train station Smedjebacken in Sweden, the track was contaminated with a thick layer of oil and grease accumulated over a period of 80 years. Analysis of soil samples showed heavy contamination at a depth ranging from 70 cms to 1 meter or 3 feet. AgroRemed was sprayed over an area of 450 square meters for on-site bioremediation of the chemicals of concern. 4 weeks after application of AgroRemed, samples were drawn from 2 feet below the surface and were sent for analyses. The results showed that all the chemicals of concern were below permitted levels. 55 gallon of AgroRemed was applied only once and the train services were interrupted for only 2 hours during this period.
Based on our review of all reports, the DEQ believes petroleum contamination levels at this site do not warrant further assessment or corrective action. Should environmental problems develop in the future which the DEQ determines are related to this release, additional investigation and corrective action may be required in accordance with the applicable State and Federal regulations. All monitoring wells installed in accordance with this investigation should be properly abandoned to preclude the possibility of surficial contamination reaching groundwater via these conduits.
A site that had a release 0f 150 gallons of home heating oil from an above-ground tank was contracted to GES Inc, MD and the job was completed using AgroRemed as a polishing tool after the excavation of soils containing a concentration of 36050 ppm. In April 2015 the samples were examined and the values of TPH and BTEX were below detection levels. The pollution complaint PC # 2014-3135 was closed and the order for condemnation of the property was withdrawn.
Heating oil release was reported from a 6000 gallon Underground Storage Tank (UST) at a bakery in Virginia. McCallum Laboratories was contracted to clean up the contamination at the site. After excavating the impacted soil, the area of the tank was sprayed with AgroRemed as a polishing tool before backfilling with clean material. The report shows the levels of contaminant was either below detected or within the stipulated range as seen in the report given below.
Virginia DEQ issued a No Further Action letter based on the CAP report submitted by McCallum Laboratory, VA
Photograph showing an application of AgroRemed by McCallum Laboratory in the excavated pit as a polishing tool before backfilling with clean material.