Two case studies are presented in this paper, one study demonstrating revitalization of roadside vegetation through bioremediation after a spill of motor oil and in another case application of AgroRemed to sites affected by diesel spill with underlying utility cables. The TPH of the soil after bioremediation was reduced by more than 95% from 65,000 ppm in the first case while in the second case, the TPH was found to be below the detectable values from the initial value of 47,000 ppm. Both AgroRemed and VaporRemed are available in a ready to use liquid form and have been known to effectively bioremediate the contaminated soils and fumes in a very short period of time. AgroRemed helps restore the nutritive status of soil to facilitate growth of vegetation with minimum disturbance to ecosystem.
Presented at Poster session: 23rd Annual International Conference on Soils, Sediments and Water Analysis, Site Assessment, Fate, Environmental and Human Risk Assessment, Remediation and Regulation University of Massachusetts Amherst October 15-18, 2007
The diesel spilled on the embankment showing dark diesel stains along the embankment affecting the local vegetation like grass and other vegetation.