Initial soil sample analysis from the limited samples collected showed the level of contamination to be 43,600 ppm which was more than twice the value of 13,000 ppm stipulated by VA DEQ for saturated contaminated soil. The samples of soil collected after treatment with VaporRemed showed a value of 143 ppm or more than 99% of the initial value. The owner of the property did not find vapor intrusion and the odor did not remain a problem in any of the living quarters in the house. Based on site characterization and the laboratory analysis of the soil samples VA DEQ decided to issue a Site Closure Report on 18th September, 2008.
To remediate heating oil odors permeating into the house from Garage. The owner of the house in VA reported vapor intrusion in the house coming from Garage and the source was identified to be a UST outside of the garage wall. The owner wanted the job to be done without any structural damage or breakdown of the property. DEQ suggested a treatment with product for the purpose and VaporRemed was selected for effective treatment of the source of odor in soil and garage walls.